
All artists have their own advice and procedures when it comes to aftercare of a new tattoo. Many use specialist dressing films or ointments or have very specific concerns which they will address with you during the tattoo. Their advice will be tailored and should be followed as best as possible to ensure optimal healing of your tattoo. Your artist’s advice should be paramount, but presented below is a simple foundational regime which will be appropriate for most smaller tattoo work.

Initial Aftercare

  • Leave the dressing on for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight if the tattoo session was completed late in the day.

  • With clean hands, gently remove the dressing and immediately wash with warm running water and non-perfumed soap. Ideally in the shower.

  • Using your hands, thoroughly wash the tattoo. Lather soap onto the tattoo, remove any residual exudate with your hands, and rinse thoroughly before patting dry with a disposable paper towel (e.g. kitchen roll). Do not use flannels, towels, or any other fabric to clean or dry your tattoo.

  • Once thoroughly dry, apply a very thin layer of aftercare cream evenly to the tattoo. We recommend Palmers Cocoa Butter Solid as a universal product.

  • Repeat this process twice a day for 2-3 days, ensuring that you are removing old aftercare cream each time.

During this period, your tattoo can be fragile, please:-

  • Do not soak your tattoo - avoid swimming, immersion in baths, use of steam rooms, hot tubs, etc.

  • Do not use sun-beds or saunas, nor expose the tattoo to intense direct sunlight.

  • Do not pick or scratch your tattoo. If it itches, gently tap the area with your fingertips.

  • Do not over apply aftercare cream. It only needs a thin layer to act as a barrier.

Secondary Aftercare

A light scab will form and, after a few days of initial aftercare, it will begin to peel in a similar way to sunburn. At this stage, cease the initial aftercare regime and allow the tattoo to peel naturally. It may be beneficial to apply a moisturiser (Dermacare, Simple, Palmers Cocoa Butter, etc) several times a day as your skin will be very dry.

Long term care

Look after your skin to ensure the longevity of your tattoo. Moisturise it frequently, apply a good quality high factor suncream if you plan to be in the sun (avoid sunbeds altogether), and stay hydrated. The healthier your skin is, the better your tattoo will age.